Le projet final de la version 8 vient d’être envoyé au GFSI pour la validation finale. En effet, le GFSI impose une validation du référentiel 28 jours avant sa publication. La nouvelle version devrait donc être publiée mi-avril….En route pour la version 8 de l’IFS Food !
According to the GFSI Benchmarking Requirements, we must send the final draft of a new standard version and an application for recognition to GFSI 28 days before publishing. We couldn’t do it in December as planned because of the suspension. Accordingly, we followed this up after its ending and are now awaiting the outcome of the assessment by GFSI. We hope to publish the new version in the second half of April.
We thank the following companies from our global network for supporting our application for recognition with GFSI: BRF, Groupe Casino, Migros-Gruppe / Groupe Migros / Migros, Vion Food Group and Yum! Brands!
In version 8, you can expect an optimised protocol, a new definition of the B-scoring, and the introduction of a star to highlight unannounced audits. Also, working with the standard will become more efficient.
Let’s all cross our fingers that we can go ahead soon so that you can benefit from the updates in the IFS Food Standard.

Source compte LinkedIn de IFS – International Featured Standards : https://www.linkedin.com/company/ifs-international-featured-standards/?miniCompanyUrn=urn%3Ali%3Afs_miniCompany%3A1812532